Desire is the bull. He is heavy with muscle and blind with instinct. He wants to eat, mate, slobber and, should the opportunity arise, run us through with his dirty horns. He can not be blamed for any of it. We admire his simplicity, fertility, and power. He scares the living daylights out of us. The following text is about desire. I write to feel the power of creation, destruction, control. Writing gives me what I can not have in life and delivers me from the agony of domesticity.

Thursday, June 08, 2006

The Kids Are Coming

The kids are coming down
bringing brown paper bags:
onions, peppers, celery sticks,
whiskey, Camels, lots of tricks,
the kids are coming down.

The kids are coming today, hooray,
bringing records to play, like
My Name is Barbara, Moody Blues,
Peter, Paul, and Mary, too.
The kids are coming, I say.

The kids are here
weighed down with beer and
diapers, bottles, handi-wipes galore.
You make one and they make more.
The kids are here.

Oh dear.

The kids stay on,
the days grow long,
the babies clean the floor.
The kids watch golf
on channel four,
stereo at low roar.

The kids have gone
and on and on the sweeping
must be done.
They’ve left no beer, not one souvenir,
the kids have gone


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